When Christa Ludwig talks about music and singing, one could listen endlessly, since she speaks so openly and without any vanity about the difficult profession of singing. As she points out, it is a very stressful job that constantly forces singers to forego other things. It should be fascinating to hear what Christa Ludwig has to say to the young singers participating in her public master class on August 12 at 3:00 pm at the University’s Main Auditorium. The event is part of the Young Singers Project – A cultural engagement of Credit Suisse. The basic prerequisite for a great career as a singer is not just to produce beautiful notes, the daughter of a singer and a singing teacher emphasizes. “My mother always said: you have to be like a dry bathing sponge and absorb all the good influences.” The most important things in music are not written in the score: “Just producing notes is terribly boring.” She herself only felt like a mature musician when she was 40. Christa Ludwig points out ...